We gather personal accounts from individuals who have been affected by
Martial Law in the Philippines from 1972–1986. This includes people who knew a friend or relative who suffered, as well as their children. While some may not have been present, they have witnessed the generational effects of Martial Law.

In a time where the news and press freedom can be problematic and misinformation flourishes, we hope this return to our indigenous tradition of oral, first-hand storytelling will bring truth to light and heal our divided nation.


Inspired by Survivors of the Shoah, originally a documentary project to collect every holocaust survivor’s story to ensure such devastation would never be repeated, this project was born when people born during conflict and raised on opposing sides of the political fence, told and listened to each others’ stories.


The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was chaired by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Its purpose was to “promote reconciliation and forgiveness among perpetrators and victims of apartheid by the full disclosure of truth.” We hope our work can similarly support Filipinos in the collective healing process of acknowledging the past.